
What is the Nulab account API?

The Nulab account API is a SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) API for user provisioning, compliant with SCIM 2.0. SCIM is a standard for automating the exchange of user identity information between different domains.

What can I do with the Nulab account API?

The Nulab account API allows you to:

Who can use the Nulab account API?

The Nulab account API is available to admins of organizations that have:

How do I use the Nulab account API?

To use the Nulab account API, access the SCIM URL issued for your organization. The SCIM URL can be found under Organization settings > User provisioning.{YOUR_SPACE_KEY}/scim/v2/


Request header

Specify “application/scim+json” in the Content-Type header.

Content-Type: application/scim+json

Basic specifications and precautions are the same as adding, editing, and deleting Managed Accounts. Accounts added or updated by the Nulab Account API are labeled as “Provisioned Managed Account.”

How is the API authenticated?

Authentication is done using the API key method. Get more information about authentication and authorization.

Where are the API operations logged?

Adding, updating, and deleting Managed Accounts using the Nulab account API are reported in your audit log with operation_user_name representing “user provisioning.”