
Incoming Webhooks

Incoming Webhooks allow external bots, apps, and services to post messages to specific topics on Typetalk.

Message Limitations

Messages can have up to 4,000 characters; consider splitting longer messages. You can also group messages in threads by specifying the ID of the parent message in the ‘replyTo’ parameter when posting.

Integrating an Incoming Webhook

  1. Select [•••] in the upper right corner of the topic where you want to post a message via Webhook, and open “Topic Settings”.
  2. Open the “BOTS” tab, and select “Add new”.
  3. Enter any bot ID and bot name, and select “Create”.

To post:

  • Paste the Typetalk token from your bot in the HTTP header X-TYPETALK-TOKEN.
  • Send an HTTP POST request to the “Get or post messages URL”.

Node.js example:

import * as https from 'https'

const payload = JSON.stringify({
  message: 'Message you want to post',
const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-TYPETALK-TOKEN': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
const webhookurl: ''
const request = https.request(webhookUrl, options)

Get API details about posting.

Deleting an Incoming Webhook

  1. Select [•••] in the upper right corner of the topic where you want to delete a Webhook, and open “Topic Settings”.
  2. Open the “BOTS” tab, and select the bot.
  3. Select “Delete this bot permanently”.